Nomination Committee's proposal for the Board of Directors


The Nomination Committee of Indutrade AB proposes that Johnny Alvarsson, Martin Lindqvist, Eva Färnstrand, Bengt Kjell, Ulf Lundahl and Mats Olsson be re-elected as directors on the Company's board. Michael Bertorp has given notice that he will not be available for re-election. Krister Mellvé (B.Sc. Econ.), from Lund, Sweden, has been nominated as a new director.

Krister Mellvé has many years of experience in international industry, particularly in manufacturing and marketing. He served for 18 years with the Robert Bosch Group in Europe, Australia and Asia, most recently as President of the subsidiary in South Korea. Prior to this he spent 19 years with the trading company Benzlers, active in manufacturing and sales of industrial transmission equipment.

In addition, the Nomination Committee proposes the re-election of Bengt Kjell as Chairman of the Board.

The Nomination Committee's recommendation entails that the number of directors during the coming mandate period will be unchanged.

Indutrade's Annual General Meeting will be held at 4 p.m. on 3 May 2012. Location: Summit, Grev Turegatan 30, Stockholm.

Stockholm, 14 February 2012

The Nomination Committee

         For further information, please contact Carl-Olof By, Nomination Committee Chair,
         tel. +46 8 666 64 00, or by e-mail:
