Final result of LTI 2014 (Series I)


The Annual General Meeting of Indutrade AB on 28 April 2014 resolved in accordance with the Board of Director’s proposal to implement LTI 2014 comprising a maximum of 460,000 warrants, issued in two series for senior executives and other key employees within the Indutrade group. Indutrade’s wholly-owned subsidiary C & M Plast AB was entitled to subscribe for the warrants, after which the subsidiary subsequently subscribed for all warrants.

The Board of Directors resolved on 28 May 2014 to offer 135 participants to acquire 447,500 warrants of Series I. The acquisition period for Series I ended on 13 June 2014 and the transfer from C & M Plast AB was completed on 23 June 2014. Under Series I of LTI 2014, participants have acquired a total of 257,500 warrants for in aggregate SEK 3,914,000.

Each warrant entitles a right to subscribe for one share in Indutrade as from the registration of the warrants up to and including Friday, 18 May 2018, during specified subscription periods.

The acquisition price for the warrants has been determined to SEK 15.20, corresponding to the market price of the warrants. The subscription price for subscription of Indutrade shares under the warrants has subsequently to the measurement period 30 May 2014 – 13 June 2014 been set to SEK 356.30 per Indutrade share.

Stockholm on 24 June 2014

Indutrade AB (publ)
