Indutrade is assigned the credit rating BBB- with stable outlook from S&P


Indutrade AB has been assigned the long-term credit rating BBB- with stable outlook from the rating agency S&P Global Ratings.

Indutrade has during several years been active on the Swedish capital market as an issuer of commercial papers and long-term bonds. Many investors have guidelines which only allow investments in publicly rated companies. It has therefore been natural for Indutrade to apply for a credit rating to further broaden the investor base.

“An investment grade credit rating confirms Indutrade’s stable business model and strong financial position. The rating further improves our position on the capital markets and will support Indutrade’s continued growth strategy,” says Patrik Johnson, CFO at Indutrade.

Stockholm, 29 March 2021


For further information, please contact:
Bo Annvik, President and CEO
Phone +46 8 703 03 00 or
Patrik Johnson, CFO
Phone +46 70 397 50 30
