Change in number of shares and votes in Indutrade AB (publ)


The incentive programme for senior executives and key employees implemented at the Annual General Meeting held on 26 April 2017 has resulted in an increase in the number of shares and votes in the company during November 2021 by 86,400 shares and votes, through the exercise of warrants entitling to subscription for new shares in the company.

As of 30 November 2021, there are in total 364,188,000 shares and votes in the company.

Stockholm on 30 November 2021


For further information, please contact
Patrik Johnson, CFO
Phone: +46 8 703 03 00, +46 70 397 50 30

This information is such that Indutrade AB (publ) is obligated to make public in accordance with Chapter 4, Section 9 of the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 12:00 noon CET on 30 November 2021.
